Wild Life (Wild Life Biology) – Quiz 2

1. In addition to looking at the total number of a species in a habitat wildlife managers also monitor __________________ and correct mix of adult and young animals needed to sustain a population.


2. In animal natality specific birth rate is used when calculating animal natality and the criterion used is _____________________.


3. In commercial use companies can use genetic resources to develop specialty enzymes enhanced genes or small molecules. These can be used as all of the following EXCEPT:


4. In nature pathogens can be transmitted directly between animals or indirectly through intermediate:


5. In Pakistan the majority of ______________ tend to be gregarious and gather together in small or flocks for foraging and feeding.


6. In physiology a(n) ____________ is a detectable change in the internal or external environment.


7. In the basics of wildlife what are limiting factors?


8. In which of the following ways is ectotherm different from endothermy?


9. In Wildlife regulations falconry with respect to wildlife means:


10. Laws against the international wildlife have often failed because a ban on harvesting of some highly valuable species has merely spawned a thriving ___________________.


11. Local resource users may be positively and/or negatively impacted by conservation. Which one of the following is a negative impact?


12. Many islands have also suffered heavy habitat loss. Which of the following is an example of an island that still retains some original habitat but is losing it at alarming rate?


13. Many limiting factors in nature that regulate the growth of populations can act from outside the population – extrinsic limiting factors – can be physical (abiotic) factors which include all of the following EXCEPT:


14. Most conservation biologists view the task of preserving biodiversity as fundamentally one of ______________.


15. Negative feedback loops that allow us to maintain homeostasis includes all of the following EXCEPT:


16. Of the 1.4 million species known to science about ____________ are higher plants.


17. On the broadest scale the rate at which energy is received from the sun and the rate at which it is ___________ to space determine the equilibrium temperature and climate of Earth.


18. Pakistan forest resources consists of, among others, one of the oldest and second largest _______________ forests in the world.


19. Pakistans forests occupy about __ per cent of the land area.


20. Pakistan forest resources consists of, among others, one of the oldest and second largest _______________ forests in the world.


Question 1 of 20

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